Aug 28, 2008
Plans business is very simple
by Zack
I have a friend and business partner who is probably the world's foremost expert in buying companies.

Over the past 50 years has bought around 200 (which has lost count) companies, and still going strong today.

And one of the jokes that he likes going to do something like this:

"There are three things that people are afraid for life: death, taxes and business plans."

In fact, from his experience, said the business plan is the most dreaded of all company-buying process.

And yet, does not have to be.

Here's why:

While it is true that we need a business plan if you want to get money from a bank, an investor or any other source of funding ... writing a business plan is not really all that complicated.

In fact, a business plan basically just a sales document with three main components:

1.) How much money you need.

2.) What you need money for.

3.) How will you pay the money back.

And that's all.

See it?

That is not so complicated, right?

All you need to know in addition to the above is how to structure a business plan (there are books at your local library that can help you with this free), and you're ready to go.

Bottom line?

Do not put off buying a company just because you are afraid of writing a business plan or no cree that can afford to hire someone to do it for you.

If you simply educate on the subject (again, go to any library and learn for free), you'll be up and running with their own business in no time.


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